Union Public Service Commission abbreviated as UPSC. Lakhs of candidates prepare for this exam every year and only a few of them clear it. Today we are here to give information about how to prepare for the UPSC exam.

The annual calendar is released every year by UPSC i.e. Union Lok Seva Aayog. In which the exam is conducted for many higher posts like Collector, IPS, Indian Forest Service, Indian Foreign Service, and Indian Revenue Service. It is called the UPSC Civil Service Exam.
How To Prepare For The UPSC Exam?
Considered to be the toughest exam in India, it is the UPSC Civil Services Exam conducted by the Union Lok Seva Aayog. This exam is conducted every year and today we are here to give you information about how to prepare for this exam.
1) Get information about the exam
If you are preparing for any exam then it becomes necessary to get information about it first. How many parts of the UPSC Civil Service Exam are conducted, if you take this exam, you will get a job on which post, it is necessary to get all this information first. By doing this you will know how to prepare.
2) Get information about the exam syllabus
Before preparing for any exam it becomes very important to get information about the syllabus of that exam. By looking at the syllabus you get to know which subject you have to prepare for, and how many marks will be asked for which topic in the exam, all this you get to know by looking at the syllabus. The syllabus of the civil services exam conducted by Lok Seva Aayog is huge. So you have to be ready to prepare accordingly.
3) Collection of study material
If you are preparing for UPSC, you need to attach the study material accordingly. Friends while preparing for this exam you will need only Authentic books. M. Books like Indian Politics by Laxmikant, Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh, India’s Freedom Struggle by Bipan Chandra, Geography by Majid Hussain, and NCERT Textbooks (Class 6 to 12) are required to collect the study material you need while preparing for this exam.
4) Making a timetable
If you watch the interview of any candidate who has cleared the UPSC exam, you will get an idea of how methodically they prepared. They prepare by following a regular daily timetable. So you also have to make a timetable while preparing for this exam.
Make a timetable in such a way that you can give proper time to each subject. Also, give 15 minutes break after reading one subject. First, keep the subject which you find difficult then keep some easy subject and then keep some tough subject again so that you don’t get bored in preparation.
5) View UPSC previous years old papers
For any exam you are preparing for, look specifically at the previous years’ exam papers. By doing this you will get an idea of your preparation and you will also get an idea of what kind of questions are asked in these exams. If some questions are asked sitting, you will benefit from the exam. So look carefully at the exam papers taken in the previous year.
6) Pay special attention to revision
If you are preparing for the UPSC exam then it becomes very necessary for you to revise while preparing. Revision helps you remember what you have read for a longer period and helps you a lot in exams. If you sit down to read any subject today, do a special revision of what you have read before tomorrow. By doing this it will be very easy for you to prepare for that subject.
7) Making notes of each subject
Making notes is very important if you are preparing for any subject. Doing so will make it easier for you in the days leading up to the exam and while revising. Make notes that cover the main points that you will need to cover in the exam. Make points whatever you write in notes so that you don’t have difficulty in reading and also save your time and revision is done easily.
8) Practice writing answers
If you clear the UPSC Prelims exam then you have to appear for the Mains exam. Mains exam is a written exam in which you have to write answers within a fixed time. For this, you can write the answers in the exam within the stipulated time only if you have practiced writing the answers beforehand. That’s why you have to practice it, especially for the written exam beforehand. Otherwise, you will have difficulty in writing the answer in the main exam.
9) Sleep on time and take care of your health
One has to take special care to maintain good health while preparing for the exam. For this, you must also sleep on time and eat food which is good for your health. If you fall ill it affects your preparation and your timetable gets disrupted. So take special care of your health. If you get enough sleep of 6 to 8 hours, you will also enjoy preparing and the day will be full of health.
To prepare for the Civil Services Exam of Sangh Lok Seva Aayog, you have to work hard. Friends, the information given above has been put only for you to get information and get great information on how to prepare for the UPSC exam. In this, you can also prepare by changing your way. If you have better information than this then you can tell us through the comment box. thank you