Gujarat Public Service Commission abbreviated as GPSC releases new recruitment every year. In which class 1-2 and class 3 posts are out. Now here we are going to guide you on how to prepare for these GPSC exams.
GPSC conducts exams for many posts including Civil Services Exam, Deputy Mamlatdar, Deputy Section Officer, and Taluka Development Officer. The calendar of which is released by GPSC and it also gives information about how many posts will be recruited and on which date the exam will be held.
How to prepare for various exams of GPSC?
The exams conducted by Gujarat Public Service Commission are different and tougher than other exams. Lakhs of candidates are filling out the form to take this exam and very few candidates are clearing. That’s why we are here to give you information on how to prepare for these exams, read on.
1) Get information about that exam
First, you need to know complete information about the post for which you want to fill out the form. Like what is this post, in which department you will get a job, what are the norms for the post, and all this information you need to know? Do not apply for any post without reading the notification. You should apply for it only after studying the entire notification.
2) Read the exam syllabus
Any exam is conducted according to the syllabus for which you are preparing, so first of all study the syllabus given in the notification or separately and start preparing methodically accordingly. As for class 1-2 posts prelims, mains, and interviews are conducted in these three stages so you have to prepare accordingly. For this, it becomes very necessary to see the syllabus and it is also easy to prepare.
3) Making a timetable
If you watch the interviews of the candidates who have passed the Gujarat Public Service Commission exam or any other exam, you will realize that they prepare methodically. For which a timetable is required. By making a timetable you can give proper time to each subject and your preparation is systematic.
Make a timetable then choose a difficult subject first and then keep an easy subject of your choice and again choose a difficult subject. By doing this you will not get bored in preparation and preparation will also be done in a good way. Make a timetable and take a break of 15 minutes after one subject so that your mind is relaxed and preparation is easy.
4) Collection of study material
You need authentic books to prepare for Gujarat Public Service Commission Exam. So gather material that you will find useful in these exams like Granth Nirman books, bring authentic books like GCERT-NCERT books, and prepare from them only you succeed in these exams. To prepare for these exams you need to have material as per the syllabus.
5) Collecting old previous year papers
To collect and study the exam papers conducted by Gujarat Public Service Commission in previous years. This will give you an idea of what level is asked in these exams and you will know how to prepare accordingly. If you study this paper, you will be asked some questions, then it will be useful for you to study the previous exam papers especially.
6) Pay special attention to revision
While preparing for any exam you are preparing for it becomes very important to do revision. Revision helps you remember what you have read for a longer period and helps you a lot in exams. If you sit down to read any subject today, do a special revision of what you have read before tomorrow. By doing this it will be very easy for you to prepare for that subject.
7) Making notes of each subject
Making notes is very important if you are preparing for any subject. Doing so will make it easier for you in the days leading up to the exam and while revising. Make notes that cover the main points that you will need to cover in the exam. Make points whatever you write in notes so that you don’t have difficulty in reading and also save your time and revision is done easily.
8) Sleep on time and take care of your health
One has to take special care to maintain good health while preparing for the exam. For this, you must also sleep on time and eat food which is good for your health. If you fall ill it affects your preparation and your timetable gets disrupted. So take special care of your health. If you get enough sleep of 6 to 8 hours, you will also enjoy preparing and the day will be full of health.
GPSC Class 1-2 Exam: Prelims, Mains & Interview Exam Full Details
To prepare for the Gujarat Public Service Commission Exam you have to prepare methodically. Friends, the information given above is only for information purposes and to prepare you to get the big promotion. You can modify it and prepare it in your own way. If you have better information than this then you can tell us through the comment box. thank you